Tuesday 12 November 2019

Mahabharata wisdom series: On sin and virtue

Sage Vyasa addresses Kunti:

"No virtuous person is strong enough to live in virtue at all times, nor is any sinner bad enough to exist in vice forever.
Life is a tangled web and there is nobody in the world who has not done both good and evil. 
Each and everyone has to bear the fruits of his/her actions. Do not grieve."

Kunti and her sons escape the wax palace that was arranged as per Duryodhana's conspiracy. Having traversed far and wide, exhausted and disheartened by the scheme of things, they encounter Sage Vyasa.

I believe that Vyasa deftly points out to the human nature of pointing fingers, judging actions, labelling people as a response to unfavourable treatment received from the other. None is spared from erring or the results thereof. If reflection is of comfort in any measure, one could attribute one's experiences to one's own karma (good or bad) coming to fruition and balancing itself out, or karma that is destined to fructify in future (impacting both the protagonist and the antagonist).

This vulnerability should all the more encourage us to remain humble, compassionate, empathetic, hopeful, non-resistant and graceful towards whatever happens to us - in the wisdom that time heals everything and nothing happens without a reason.

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